Everyday Super Woman Spotlight: Dr. Kimberly Johnson

I am very excited to announce that my first interview in the Everyday Super Woman Spotlight series is with Dr. Kimberly Johnson! I met Kim through a mutual friend, and I was immediately impressed. You will see why as you read the interview. She has a beautiful spirit and energy that radiates from her.  We had a great time catching up for this interview. I'm not sure what you will get from this interview, but here is my take away. There is a scripture that says, "The mind of man plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps." (Proverbs 16:9) My obsessive desire to control and plan my life has been a longtime issue of mine, but I have really been working on it the last three years, this conversation brought a few more points home for me. I hope you enjoy!

Real Housewife Tagline
Give, love and serve!

Who are you?
I am light! I am a person who attracts positivity. I am strength.

Success Formula
Prayer, affirmations, and meditation. I found out, very quickly, that when I acted on my own without consulting God first, things ended in a mess. In the bible, God says, My thoughts are higher than your thoughts, and My ways are higher than your ways. (Isaiah 55:8). We think in a box, but God sees the big picture.

Because of this, in my daily affirmations I recite: I release God’s love, power and wisdom in my life! I am a creative being who is blessed with God’s perspective! I give, love, and serve daily! My steps were ordered for greatness.  I have excellent health! I have excellent success! I am an excellent mother to Karington! I will be an excellent wife to my future husband! I’m debt free! I experience God’s favor and increase daily! People seek me out and pay me for my gifts, abilities, skills and talents! 

Meditation calms me. My mind is moving at a rapid speed because I am so driven. Meditation brings everything back home. When I meditate, I picture myself on a mountain in Hawaii with the most beautiful and serene view. I feel balanced and at peace. I do not sleep well when I am unable to meditate.

I also make a point of getting on my knees to pray, there is something special about kneeling when I talk to God. I feel that it’s an act of surrendering who I am to allow God to be who He is. It’s like having a conversation with God. My prayers are natural honest conversations with God. When I started to have those honest prayers, I began to see transition in situations. You can’t hide things from God.

Which leads me to TRANSPARENCY - I am very transparent! Sometimes it's a little scary to me how transparent I am.

I say all of that to say, being on the other side of the table, contracting with consultants that provide the same service I could provide, made me realize I was leaving money and business on the table for someone else to take. I could see that was somewhere I wanted to go, so I received a word from God that prompted me to prepare myself for where I wanted to go. Years ago I purchased Consulting for Dummies1 in 2002, because this was a desire of mine. I didn’t come back to that initial desire until about a year ago. I decided to start Holistic Educational Approach to Learning (HEAL, LLC) in 2016.  HEAL, LLC is an educational consulting firm.

1 Consulting for Dummies by Bob Nelson and Peter Economy

Surprise Everyone
I played the piano growing up. I would love to play the piano and sing in a relaxing lounge type venue, cozy with low lighting.  Ideally in a piano bar with no fears having everyone join in and just have a blast.

As much as I love going and doing, there is something so soothing about relaxing in a swing or rocking chair. Sitting and watching nature on a beautiful day, I love it.

Dream Job
I would love to be an Adjunct Professor in a school of education. I would be able to make my own schedule as an educational consultant.  This would leave the off season open for me to go, see and do. I really want to show my daughter different cultures. Of course mom will be learning too!

Departing Words
Identity! While speaking on holistic health at a dreamer’s conference, I coined the phrase, “Without true identity, change cannot perpetuate!” If you don’t know who you are, you really can’t grow. Know thy self! 
