Well it’s another Monday morning as I start to write this out. I am so tired that I find it hard to put it into words, but let me try. I have snoozed twice, once at 5:00 am alarm and the second time at 5:30 am alarm. At the second snooze I get serious, I know there is a very thin line between right now and running out the door scolding myself, saying we’re going to be late for school and feeling guilty. (SIDE NOTE - were never late, we are just later than I like). So I use one of my very favorite things to help me wake up, as I do most of my mornings. I open Pinterest. Ah Pinterest, that’s totally another blog post, one all on its own. It does the trick. I’m awake, but instead of running to the bathroom, and I desperately need to go, I have decided to capture how I feel and what I’m thinking in this moment.
Most people know that I plan my time as carefully as possible. I tell people that I have either 2 or 3 calendars. But that’s not true I have more. I know that there is away to pull back, but I just haven’t done it yet. Of course there is the calendar on my phone. I have a calendar hanging on the refrigerator which is highly visible to big C and little C. I keep the calendar on my Kindle updated. This will sound weird but I started doing this when I decided to go paperless. That calendar is visually better than the one on my phone because it shows more detail, it’s color coded, and when I complete tasks it marks them complete. That app also has memos and lists. I use all of those functions. Then there is the physical organizing notebook that I use to hold documents that require action or that are needed for quick reference. I found an 8 1/2 x 11 calendar in the dollar store that fits perfectly in my binder. I made the purchase. I am not sure why. Do I use it? ABSOLUTELY. It’s completed every month before I officially ‘flip the page’. Then there is my calendar at work. Obviously that is a necessity. Here’s where it gets a little crazy. Just recently I started adding my work events to my personal calendars to ensure I do not make personal appointments during meetings. Yes I do (rolling eye emoji). Also I have my work calendar text when a meeting is coming up. This way I will not miss a meeting if I am away from my desk.
I have had a conversations about planning my weekends. Some are baffled by this, but I really do not have a choice. I plan them out at least a month in advance and if possible two months in advance. This really helps me with not double booking. For me this is a big deal. I do not like last minute things popping up and disrupting my plans. Even if my plans are to stay at home and do things around the house. For this and a few other reasons I plan all of time and events when possible.
Here is what this past weekend looked like...
Friday -
When we got home I asked little C what she wanted to do, although I already knew the answer. We went to the YMCA. There is a class I sometimes attend on Friday night, and she gets an indoor playground and she gets to play with other kids. I went to my class. I got bored about half way through, so I left the class, hit the treadmill and ran a mile. This left me a little time to do my FAVORITE thing at the gym... go in the sauna. This was a great night for me.
Saturday -
I got up and started laundry. I had my first cup of coffee and started to do a bit of work that I could not get to before I left the office on Friday. Somewhere in there I made another cup of coffee, moved clothes to the dryer, fixed little C breakfast, started another load of laundry, and ran out to the car to find my clear bag for the game later. (Yes I am well aware that’s a run on sentence.) We then started to get ready for a birthday party and the game. We stopped by the drug store for the last part of the birthday gift, then hit the gas station (I was on day two with a lit gas light). We got to the party. The kids bowled, they ate, they bowled a little more and then they hit the arcade. As 5 o’clock rolled around we said our thank yous and goodbyes then we zoomed towards the arena for the basketball game. Once there we picked up our Italian ice and found our seats. We then found our friends whom we were able to connect with at halftime. During the game we made plans to stop at Chick-Fil-A on our side of town for a late dinner, fun and conversation. As I was talking to the other mom my horoscope from the morning came back to me. You will be inspired to travel in an unexpected way. I was flabbergasted. I’m not sure if I will seize the moment or let the opportunity pass me by. What I can tell you is that the thought is still lingering. I think little C feels it too. This weekend alone she mentioned that she wants to travel to Chicago, New York City and Charleston. Oh and Great Wolf of course, she asks to go back to Great Wolf every single day. When we got home it was around 10 pm. She talked to dad and told him about her day. They played her new bowling game that she got at the party. She put on her jammies and proceeded to the master bedroom sometime after 11 pm, well because in her 6 year old mind what’s the harm in trying? Worst case scenario, they say no, go to your own room. I continued to fold clothes from earlier in the day. I’m not sure when I hit the sack, but it was late, or early, depends on your view point.
Sunday -
I promptly fell back asleep after my 6 am alarm and then woke up at 7. I had already decided to let little C sleep in. However, usually church is not negotiable. I made a cup of my favorite tea (Harney and Sons Hot Cinnamon Sunset) and reviewed the songs for the days one last time. I sent out a couple of texts. Then, as per usual, realized I had miscalculated my time and was in a real hurry. I made it to church just in the nick of time.
I arrived home to find my family ready to leave. They were headed to the vegan food truck. I elected to stay behind and forge around the house for food. After eating I decided, regrettably, to take a nap. It was wonderful and horrifying all at the same time. As tired as I was, naps are such thief of your time. Shortly after I awoke, I heard the tell tell alert from the doorbell. They were back, and this continued the marathon that is Sunday. There was more laundry to be done. Once I got it started, then came the ever dreaded... homework. This usually takes 30 minutes of mental prep time to start. It’s exhausting. Some where during the midst of homework time I decided to text my cousin who is in her last trimester and due any day now. I just wanted to see how she was feeling. This is like a personal affront to your kids, multitasking during their time. How could the attention not be on me at all times? The 60 seconds of texting came to an end and then she proceeded to write her answers as order had been restored. Then for some reason I tried again. I gave her one word to write while I ran to move laundry from the washer to the dryer. When I got back 3 to 5 minutes later she had written 2 letters. 2! So it’s going to take a while before I can multitask during homework time. Oh well. When we got finished with homework for the day we went out to get food for dinner since it was too late to cook. I called in the food order. On the way to pick it up we listened to a podcast that a first grade class in her school puts out. After we ate, Dad gave her a shower and I started back on the reports that I didn’t finish Friday before leaving the office. Before she went to bed I took the braids out of her hair. Since there was no time to wash and braid her hair, that means it’s an Afro puff week. She loves her Afro puffs. They are super cute.
Here’s what I did not get around to doing. I was not able to wash my kid’s hair. Also it was my goal to clean the master bathroom, it was missed during the week and of course as I just mentioned it was missed the weekend as well. Those will be pushed, no doubt to the weekend.
WHEW, I’m tired. Obviously not all of my weekends are like this, but most of them are to be perfectly honest. I am a “list” person. It’s extremely gratifying for me when I check things off. It is my goal to find a better balance among my activities, that is what I am working towards. Fingers crossed I will figure it out, without having to drop activities.
Well, until next time!
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